2007 - Jarl Raymond Henderson
The 2007 Festival took place on 23rd February
This year's Guizer Jarl was Raymond Henderson from Emohruo. Raymond took on the role of Rognvald Brusason for the festival. Raymond is the son of 1971 Jarl Charlie Henderson, and kept up the tradition in fine style with a strong group by his side.
Galley Name:- REINEN
Raymond's Jarl Squad
- Timothy Fraser (The Manse) [Former Jarl]
- Leslie Tulloch (Ceilidh) [Future Jarl]
- Ian Anderson (Breckness)
- Maurice Inkster (Gutcher)
- Francis Inkster (Clibberswick)
- Lee Keith (Aywick)
- John Odie (Burravoe)
- Peter Anderson (Nesting)
- John Williamson (Voe)
- Philip Laurenson (Vidlin)
- Calvin Brown
- Kiana Henderson
- Kayden Gair
Junior Members