2002 - Jarl Johnnie Clark

The 2002 Festival took place on 22nd February

This year's Guizer Jarl was Johnnie Clark from Midyell. Johnnie took on the role of Magnus Olafson for this year's festival. Johnnie although not from Cullivoe, was recognised for his years of accompanying the Jarl Squad on the accordian.

Galley Name:- TREKKSPILL

Johnnie's Jarl Squad

  • Steven Henderson (Ljogasund) [Former Jarl]
  • Kevin Tulloch (Gronadjeld) [Future Jarl]
  • Gordon Jamieson (Fourwinds)
  • Graham Hughson (Mid Yell)
  • Martin Henderson (Kilmodan)
  • Laurence Tulloch (Gutcher)



Squad List



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